Employability Linked Skill Building Initiative
Realizing the need for making the future generation more employable, Colgate India launched ‘Saksham’, a pragmatic initiative for Social and Economic Empowerment of the underprivileged and marginalized youth through an Employability Linked Skill Development program. Colgate has partnered with SEEDs and its implementation partner, IL&FS Skills , to roll out this program. The trades and curriculum are as per the guidelines of the National Skill Development Council. Under the Saksham program, training for 45 days is imparted through an effective and comprehensive multi-media content.
During the training period, candidates are also groomed on social skills and behaviours and they also get a platform to interact with the Colgate’s local customer development teams and Colgate’s business partners, who share their experiences and life lessons. The youth enrolled in the program are from economically weaker families, both from urban slum locations, as well as from rural areas. The focus is on enrolling youth, who have the potential and the willingness to learn, but are devoid of financial resources and guidance, to become employable. The program was started in March 2016 with an enrolment of 55 students at Luknow. In just a year, a total of 202 youth have been trained and certified, out of which 151 candidates are already employed in various industries and establishments, and the rest are in the process of being interviewed, facilitated by IL&FS Skills. The program that was started at Luknow was further expanded to include Moradabad, UP and Muzzafarpur in Bihar in the Financial Year 2016-17. Encouraged by the initial success, the aim now is to expand ‘Saksham’ to more locations and further empower more young people by enhancing their employability capabilities.
More information about the NGO is available on www.seedsimpact.org